The ecosystem services of urban rivers

11. 3. 2016
We would like to inform you abou the upcoming international scientific conference " THE ECOSYSTEM SERVICES OF URBAN RIVERS“, which is held as part of the project EHP - CZ02-OV-1-032-2015. Chateau Křtiny 19. – 22. April 2016



Dear colleagues, on behalf of the Department of Enviromental and natural resources studies at the Faculty of Regional Development and International studies at Mendel Universi ty, we would like to invite you to an international conference „THE ECOSYSTEM SERVICES OF URBAN RIVERS“, which is held as part of the project EHP „Increasing awareness and propagation of functions of forests in landscape and in-nature riverbeds in urban environment as a component of ecosystem drainage basin service“.

The aim of the conference is to create a platform (meeting place) of a wide spectre of scientists and professionals solving the issue of perception, functions, use, integration and evaluation of the significance of rivers in the cities and suburban country.

Topic of the conference:

  • Solution of river space in cities in terms of urbanism and town planning
  • Economic significance and ecosystem services of rivers in the cities
  • Ecological functions of rivers in the cities
  • Perception of significance of rivers from the point of view of general public
  • Flood-protection protection of cities and their recreation potential
  • Stylised vs close to nature and revitalised river flows
  • River as a part of suburban areas
  • The significance of rivers in urbanised environment in terms of (sustainable) regional development
  • Recreation potential, effects and utilisation of rivers in urbanised environment

All the current information are available on:

Participation in the conference is for invited professionals for free.

Conference contributions will be published either in the conference proceedings or in the magazine European Countryside, eventually Journal of Landscape Management

Should you have further questions, please send us an email on:

We look forward to seeing at the conference.

Conference Organizing committee

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