Our scientists dated the oldest archaeological wooden construction

6. 2. 2020
Scientists from the Mendel University in Brno dated a well, which is the oldest dendrochronologically (tree-ring dating) dated archaeological wooden structure in the world. Their research was published by the prestigious Journal of Archaeological Science and some of the world's media have taken up the topic. "The well is over 7000 years old and has been preserved thanks to the high groundwater level. However, it is not the oldest well in the world, but the oldest well dated by this method," says Michal Rybníček from the Department of Wood Science and Technologyof Mendel University in Brno. The well was found during work on a motorway near Ostrov in the Czech Republic.

Archaeologists discovered the well in 2018 along with seven other wells from different parts of prehistoric times. The first findings of ceramics showed that the well at Ostrov comes from a period of culture with linear ceramics, ie from the younger Stone Age. Thanks to this unique discovery, it was decided to pick up the entire well in one block. “It was a technically and logistically demanding event. This was followed by careful preparation of the individual layers and the dismantling of the wooden structure, “said Jaroslav Peška from the Archaeological Center Olomouc.

The well was about 140 centimeters deep and its ground plan dimensions were 80 to 80 centimeters. According to experts, it is remarkable that the first farmers, who only had tools made of stone, bone, horn or wood, were able to finish the surface of the felled logs with precision. After the research is completed, the well should become part of the exposition of the Pardubice Museum within about two years.

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