MENDELU begins with PCR testing of students

7. 5. 2021
Mendel University in Brno will start PCR testing of students from Monday. Two weeks after the university, as the first in the Czech Republic, started this form in a pilot phase for employees. Gradually, this form will completely replace the current antigenic testing. But most students are already finishing their semester, so testing will only cover a few dozen of them.

“We managed to secure a relatively favorable price both for the pooling method itself, where there are 20 samples in one bottle and for any subsequent confirmatory tests. I am glad that the government has finally promised that the state will co-finance PCR tests,” said Rector Danuše Nerudová, adding that this is a step in the right direction to start the economy. At the moment, the university pays for the tests itself. So far, the university expects an amount of about 500,000 crowns in the first month.

The university provides PCR testing to employees and students free of charge. An employee or student can take part in the testing once a week. The PCR test result is valid for 7 days. From 17 May 2021, only the PCR method will be tested at MENDELU.

“The problem is still slow vaccinations. It has already started with our academics, unfortunately, non-academic staff at universities still do not have this option, unless they have reached the relevant age limit, which is now set at 50 years,” said Nerudová.

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