Project SPOT from MENDELU was chosen for the 20 years of EU enlargement article

3. 5. 2024
Project SPOT which is coordinated by Milada Šťastná and also led on behalf of the Faculty of AgriSciences at MENDELU has beed selected for the European Research Executive Agency article dedicated to the 20 years of EU enlargement.

The SPOT Horizon 2020 project will provide a new approach to cultural tourism to reflect patterns of travel in the 21st century. Historical cities, museums, and archaeological sites collectively constitute around 40 % of European tourist destinations. The SPOT project introduced a fresh perspective; exploring innovative strategies to promote disadvantaged areas. By leveraging their abundant cultural assets, local communities can benefit while uncovering multiple layers of data and capitalizing on existing practices.

The 20th anniversary of the EU’s 2004 enlargement is an occasion to celebrate a new era. It opened doors for a generation of EU researchers to collaborate across borders and to develop their careers while advancing the frontiers of science.

Two decades ago, on 1 May 2004, the European Union welcomed ten new Member States: Czechia, Estonia, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Malta, Poland, Slovenia, and Slovakia. This was one of the most significant EU enlargements, unequalled in terms of population size and number of countries. This brought a range of benefits for citizens in the ten new Members and the EU as a whole.

Collaboration across countries is the backbone of scientific advancements. Over these past two decades, researchers have had new ways to access EU funding and unprecedented opportunities to develop their careers in cross-border initiatives while contributing to the pursuit of knowledge and policymaking. The expanded research and innovation community has contributed to the success of thousands of research projects, helping science evolve at the EU level.

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