Stockholm Junior Water Prize

13:00 – 16:00
M 2.11, budova M, campus MENDELU

Mendel University in Brno will host the national finals of the prestigious high school competition Stockholm Junior Water Prize for the third time. The competition brings together students with an interest in water and its sustainability. The authors of the top five papers will be invited to the university to defend their projects before an expert jury and compete for the win. The winner will receive CZK 25,000 and advance to the international round, representing the Czech Republic in Stockholm. Students from more than 30 countries worldwide present their ideas and innovations there annually. Mendel University provides patronage and serves as the national coordinator of the competition.

A new feature of this year’s national finals is the Audience Award, where votes publicly given to individual works will be tallied. The author of the winning project will then receive a check for CZK 5,000. Voting takes place from May 10th to 20th on the national competition’s website.