The Challenges in Forest Ecology seminar series, featuring top scientists from around the world, provides a unique opportunity to discuss the state of the art in forest ecology from different perspectives and approaches with the leading experts in the field.
10. January, 2024 at 16:00CET / CEST (GMT+1/+2), Katharina Lapin (BFW, AT) – From Policy to Practice: Implementing Forest Biodiversity Management Strategies
- In person: Faculty of Forestry and Wood Technology, Mendel University in Brno, Zemědělská 3, 61300 Brno, Czech Republik, Room B21
- Online via Zoom:
Meeting ID: 922 7946 9748
Passcode 446421
Katharina Lapin (BFW, AT)
Katharina Lapin studied landscape planning and soon focussed her research on biodiversity and invasive species. In 2021, she became a head of a new Department for Forest Biodiversity and Nature Protection at the Federal Forest Research Centre (BFW) in Vienna. Working at the interface between biodiversity and forest management is a challenge for her. There are many synergies, such as with regard to climate change adaptation. But there are also conflicts: “I see it as our task to anticipate potential conflicts,” says Katharina Lapin.
Communicating knowledge is also a major concern for her: „We do really big things and they need to be communicated,“ says Lapin. It was not for nothing that she won the #EUinmyRegion storytelling competition in 2020. Her list of scientific publications is long, but she also manages to explain difficult popular science content in a simple and understandable way.
Katharina Lapin is well connected internationally: she contributes to the chapter of the IPBES report on invasive species ( Lapin is a member of several committees, such as the IUCN/SSC Global Tree Specialist Group (GTSG). Her long-term goal is better networking of biodiversity and forestry stakeholders and transfer scientific knowledge into practice.
The Seminar Series is held within the project ERA Chair: Striving for Excellence in the Forest Ecosystem (EXCELLENTIA), receiving funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe.