The Mendel University campus in Brno has been in the same location since its foundation in 1919. Over the course of a hundred years, the university expanded beyond Brno itself. However, the central place still remains the Brno campus, where historic buildings are complemented by modern ones. We are building a modern campus: in the following years, the university is primarily planning to renovate the interiors of the oldest buildings and expand the space for the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry. The aim of the renovations is greater comfort, user safety, a more pleasant environment and also a more sustainable campus that corresponds to a modern university.
What to expect?
- Reconstruction of the interiors of Buildings A and B
- New floors at the Department of Chemistry
- New Drobného parking lot
- Revitalization North-East Entrance
Current restrictions
Students and staff
- RECONSTRUCTION OF CORRIDORS IN BUILDING A: This concerns the reconstruction of the corridor and offices on the 1st floor of Building A. The construction work will take 6 months. In connection with the implementation there will be a significant restriction of access to Building A and the passageway in Building A. From the 17th of October 2024, the entrance to the building from the upper rectorate courtyard and the passageway in the 1st floor will be closed. Access to the elevator and other areas on the 1st floor will be maintained only from the side staircase. The men’s toilet can be used on the 3rd floor of the building (room N3051).
- PARKING BEHIND BUILDING A: Due to the renovation of Building D, access to the courtyard between Building A and D is difficult. Parking in the courtyard between Buildings A and J has been restored in full. Please take extra care when driving past the T1 substation of Building A where a construction and investment project is underway. Parking is still available in the area behind Building R (approximately 20-30 parking spaces) or behind Building Q.
- CLOSING OF THE STUDY ROOM IN BUILDING X: until further notice. The study hall is closed due to the relocation of the rector’s offices from Building A.
- CHANGE OF THE WORKPLACE: As a result of the reconstruction, some workplaces of the Rectorate were moved to replacement premises (Department of Economics, Department of Communication and Marketing, Department of International Relations and Internationalization, Department of Strategy and Analysis, Department of Quality and Risk, Department of Controlling). The current location can be always found in the University Information System.
- CHANGE OF THE WORKPLACE: In connection with the planned reconstruction of Building D, the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry has temporarily moved to Buildings K and M. Information on the current location of individual staff members can be found in the University Information System.
- GATE ENTRANCE AND PARKING: From Friday 18 October 2024 until further notice, the entrance through the gate from the north-east (Lesnická x Provazníkova intersection) is closed and it will not be possible to park in front of building T and in the new parking lot. Gradually, parking will also be restricted in the parking spaces between building T and the MENDELU design lab. The nearest access to the site from the northeast side is through the entrance to Building B. Access to the campus will be further provided by building A and around building Q from Zemědělská and Erbenova streets.
- CLOSURE OF THE PASSAGE AROUND BUILDING D: From Monday 11/11/11, the passageway around building D (from building C to the junction between buildings O and D) will be closed for approximately 3 weeks due to road milling and laying of the asphalt road surface.

In view of the above, access to the premises will be possible only:
- to buildings B, C, J, T via the main guardhouse or on working days also via building B
- to buildings A, P, Q, R, M, N, V and X via the turnstile behind building Q, through the gate between buildings A and Q and on working days also through the main entrance of building A
On weekends, the gate between buildings A and Q will also be open all day during this period. Access for operators to buildings P, Q, R, M, N, V and X will be via the barrier at building Q, which will be permanently raised from 5:00 to 22:00 during this period.
- There are currently no works in progress that would affect the public.
What’s going on right now?
More room for chemistry
Building D, which houses the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry of the Faculty of AgriSciences, is awaiting a complete reconstruction, including the removal of the 3rd floor, which will be replaced by new floors. After completion, a five-story building with an elevator will stand on the site, which will provide facilities for laboratories, administrative and teaching spaces. An investment of over 200 million crowns is expected, and preparations are aimed at making it possible to hand over the building to the contractor in 2023. The work will then last two years. You can follow the progress of the reconstruction in our photo gallery.
During the reconstruction, the entire Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry will be relocated to a building near the Faculty of Regional Development and International Studies (Building K – see the map). It is a building owned by MENDELU, which was rented out to private companies in the past. Now the building is empty and prepared for partial repairs so that the Department can move in.

What’s coming up?
Reconstruction of the interiors of buildings A and B
Although the construction work in the two oldest buildings will hardly be noticeable from the outside, it will affect the users of these spaces, both students and staff. Construction cannot be done without relocations or temporary restrictions, but the individual stages are planned in such a way that the impact on teaching and operation is minimal. Part of the rector’s office will be temporarily moved to a study room in Building X.

Reconstruction of Building A
In the spring of 2023, the reconstruction of the oldest campus building, Building A, which houses the rector’s office and part of the Faculty of AgriSciences and Horticulture, will begin. These are several connected investment actions, all of which should be completed by 2024. The result will be thoroughly modernized corridors, offices, meeting rooms and sanitary facilities, from plaster and floors to all equipment. In the next stages, new structured cabling will be built and air conditioning in rooms oriented to the southeast and southwest (towards Zemědělská street).

Reconstruction of Building B
The reconstruction of the second oldest building, building B, which is the seat of the Faculty of Forestry and Wood Technology, is also in the preparation phase. In three partial stages, the reconstruction and modernization of social facilities, corridors, offices, classrooms and side staircases should take place. In this case, the work will cover all floors of the building. There will also be new air conditioning systems, electrical installation reconstruction, new lighting, etc. The equipment will be refurbished or new. Construction will begin in 2023 and should be completed in 2027.
New Drobného parking lot

The new parking area, which will be created on the premises of Mendel University in Brno, will be connected to local campus roads for the time being with a vision of a future traffic connection to Drobného Street. This involves the reconstruction of the surface and the access road. A total of 32 perpendicular parking spaces for cars and one parking space for the disabled will be located in the parking lot with a total area of 1,350 m2. The spine road inside the car park will be made of spacer paving, as will the parking spaces, but with a reinforced layer of sub-base gravel. Concrete curbs will be installed on both sides of the road. The parking spaces themselves will be defined from the access road by lowered kerbs with a 20mm drop.
North-eastern entrance
A new entrance will be built in the northeastern part of the Mendel University in Brno campus. The existing entrance is secured by a gate, which will be revitalized and expanded with a turnstile and folding barrier posts allowing regulated access to the premises. The road will be divided into a mobile, parking and pedestrian zone. The pedestrian zone will be supplemented with concrete benches for relaxation and connectivity between the northeast and southwest entrances of the pedestrian zone. A new area will be created to store tree trunks for student instruction. The green space area will be revitalized including moderate landscaping.
Construction work will begin in June 2023 and be completed in November/December 2023.

Building a modern campus
- We want to manage energy more efficiently and use renewable energy sources
- Greater security and a more pleasing environment
- New equipment for science and research
- New cabling that will ensure faster and more stable internet
Contacts and campus map