
Internal Regulations and Documents

(Only an indicative English translation can be found here, the officially valid versions are in Czech language)

Other documents

Here you can download all the important materials related to MENDELU’s visual style and find all the important forms related to personnel area.

Forms: Personnel area

Forms: Wages section

Forms: Open Science Centrum and Library

Visual style

Use the Personal business card creation application in UIS to create your business card.

The application primarily uses data listed in UIS and also offers fields for supplementing data that the UIS database does not contain (e.g., mobile phone numbers). Users may also change the official title of their position for use on business cards. In some cases, the titles given in the SAP personnel system may be ambiguous or overly long. For example, an employee could want to give their title as the more specific “assistant professor” rather than the official, more general “university teacher”, or “e-learning app technician” instead of “non-technical worker for teaching.” To make such changes, an employee must first gain the consent of a superior and then request the system integrator or the OSSA employee at their department to make the change.

The “print business card” button exports a print-quality preview of your personal business card (in PDF format). This file can then be sent, after specifying paper type and number of copies, for printing to Mendel University Press or any printer of your choice.

Emails should be written in Arial Regular 10 font; apply the standard line spacing of your email client.

Email signatures of the university, other organizational units and faculties are subject to a uniform style. The name and position of the employee must be listed at the end of each email. Below this information is the university logo or the logo of another organizational unit or faculty in a basic colour scheme. This is followed by the department name and contact details, including an internet address.

Font: Arial, size 10

Use the logo of your unit/faculty.

Principles of Artificial Intelligence Utilization