Water Days

Kampus MENDELU + Lipka Jezírko + SPŠ Stavební Kudelova Brno

On the occasion of World Water Day, the Platform for Water Education is organising Water Days, an international event for professionals, schools and all those interested in water resources management. It is an educational event on the topic of water in the landscape – forest, agricultural and urban environments. The programme takes place at the Platform’s partner institutions – MENDELU, Lipka Jezírko and SPŠ Stavební Kudelova Brno. The aim is to raise awareness and attract young professionals to work in the field of water management. Water Days are for high schools and the general public. The language of the event is English.

March 17 / Monday:

Location: MENDELU campus

Opening – Welcome speech and introduction to the programme of Water Days 2025 and Water Days Team
Presentation from experts and discussions with experts
Networking and getting to know each other

March 18 / Tuesday:

Fieldtrip Moravský kras – water sampling

Jedovnice – wastewater treatment plant

March 19 / Wednesday:

Fieldtrip Hranický kras – water sampling in different locations

March 20 / Thursday:

Location: MENDELU campus

Pitch preparation

Laboratory measurement

Soft skills training for teamwork and presentation

March 21 / Friday:

Location: MENDELU campus

Student’s project presentations – feedback and discussion

Moderated round table discussion

March 22 / Saturday:

Location: Lipka Jezírko.

The World Water Day

March 24 / Monday:

Location: SPŠ stavební, Kudelova 8, Brno

Water management in the city – company lecture

Lecture by the water network operator

March 25 / Tuesday

Location: SPŠ stavební, Kudelova 8, Brno

Excursions, transfers around the city

Water works safety lecture

March 26 / Wednesday

Location: SPŠ stavební, Kudelova 8, Brno

VET school visit